I’m writing this blog because too many people, perhaps you, feel lost, behind and angry. They don’t have a solid road map to follow. I will give you one, I promise.


I’m writing this blog because too many people, perhaps you, feel lost, behind and angry. They don’t have a solid road map to follow. I will give you one, I promise.

Struggling to Find Your Career is a Healthy, Necessary Challenge!

Check off any items that apply:
  • You have no idea what you want to do with your life.
  • You keep trying different careers or jobs only to hit another dead end.
  • You are working for the boss from hell.
  • Your life balance stinks.
  • In quiet moments, you admit you are under-delivering on your life.
  • You are phoning it in, you don’t care about what you do and everyone knows it.
  • You just got laid off or moved to a new city.
  • If one more person tells you to follow your passion, you are going to smack them upside the face.

Ok, I get it and I’ve been there. Yep, every one of the above has been a part of my life. That may be disturbing to hear. As a supposed career development expert, you would think I would have navigated my life more easily. But, no; disappointments, mistakes, and a few disasters litter my life story. I will transparently share all of it with you here.


I’m writing this blog because too many people, perhaps you, feel lost, behind, and angry. They don’t have a solid road map to follow. I will give you one, I promise. I’ve spent the last three decades helping thousands of people (in both my private practice and organizations) make great career choices. I’m going to be specific about what works and what will cause your further pain. 


“The pain will push you until the vision pulls you.” Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith


I find this quote stunning in its insight and truth. It validates my core message for you. If you take too long to find your way, you are pursuing the hero’s journey. You are not failing. I can help make your career decisions more efficient and help you achieve your goals.

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Career predictability is uncertain. You never know when your career might crash.
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The Ugly Truth(s) About Listed Jobs
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This post is about making a career change.
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This article explains that there are a large number of career assessments on the market. The best choice for a person making a career change is the Elevations for Career Choice Career Change assessment.
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