Have you ever been overwhelmed or up against significant obstacles when a colleague encourages you to enjoy the journey? I find this well-intentioned advice so annoying. Think about it—long-haul projects are draining. The joy factor is limited.
But I must admit a similar thought came into my brain a few days ago as I was taking my morning walk. I was thinking about the flood of work I am facing as I spearhead a new venture (more details to follow in the weeks ahead).
I have 13 learning modules needing curriculum development, I am working through brand development (which I know nothing about), and I want to produce an audio version of my book (which is both expensive and time-consuming). As my stomach tightened, the smaller voice inside said, “Enjoy the journey” and I was predictably irritated.
It did catch my attention though and it inspired some creative thinking. What if I was stepping onto a lovely yacht, splashing through beautiful blue water heading to the fruition of a long-held dream? I saw myself settling into a lounge chair where, magically, I could get my work done in peace and tranquility.
The sense of anxiety and overwhelm evaporated. I began to reflect on what was different about this venture. For once I am surrounded by brilliant, motivated people who have the same vision I do. And, doors are flying open, almost effortlessly. I feel the time is right and I need to trust my gut.
I wonder if you are at a similar threshold. Are you at the inception of a new venture or are you stepping up to a challenge that has kicked your butt in the past? Either way, I invite you to customize a magical lounge chair on a beautiful vessel. Know that the journey will be safe and fruitful. Hold this image as you tackle the tasks ahead. Maybe, then, you can enjoy the journey.