If you are on unemployment and/or worried your career will not survive in a post-pandemic labor market, you are likely embarking on a job hunt. You might not be feeling great about this turn of events, resenting the loss of income and stability. So how do you take control over your life and your livelihood?
The following mind shifts will empower you and accelerate your job search success.
Mind Shift Number 1: Resentful vs Committed
The natural human response to hardship and loss is resentment. Sadly, bitterness and negativity will kill your motivation. Your efforts to become employed will be stalled.
I am compelled to offer an alternative mind set. I’d like you to become committed. This mind set is gritty, determined and competitive. You do not allow the event that took your job away dictate your perspective. You can be resourceful, finding options for your future.
Mind Shift Number 2: Fear of Rejection vs Generating Opportunities
“I hate job search.” I’ve heard this time and again. It’s not surprising because job hunting invites rejection. No one like being turned down. You don’t want to experience failure so you give up.
Well, I can’t stand by and let that happen so let’s consider another option. Imagine you and I go to a casino (one that is magically safe to enter). We approach a slot machine and I promise to give you unlimited coins. You are pretty happy, right? You figure you will win eventually, so you start pulling the lever enthusiastically. You don’t resent the number of times you need to try, because you are focused on the eventual win.
I’d like you to approach your job search with the same rationale. Job rejections are your badges of honor. The more you generate, the most likely you are getting close to securing rewarding employment.
Mind Shift Number 3: Numbers Game vs Strategy
If you have replaced resentment with commitment and are (mostly) immune to rejection, you are a foe to be reckoned with in the job market. You have eliminated much of your competition. Nice work, now let’s go one step further.
The last mind-shift is moves you from applying for as many jobs as possible to applying for jobs that you have researched as a great fit for you. Spraying the Internet with generic resumes will produce little or no results. So, it’s time for you to establish a strategy. To help you do that, grab a copy of my free e-book: The 10 Biggest Mistakes Job Seekers Make.
With the right mind set and great resources, you can take control of your career transition. Knowing the traps that accompany job search and shifting your perspective will give you the positive attitude you need and deserve.