When you start a new job, move to a new city or graduate and enter the job market, you take your identity with you. In the mixture of anticipation and excitement you probably focus on the logistics. You make a list of things to do and probably don't add your identity to the list.
I think you should and here's why:
· New beginnings offer an opportunity to leave behind what has not worked well in the past. Perhaps you want to show up more powerfully and ask for what you want. Start fresh with a dose of authenticity and confidence.
· Your first couple of weeks in the new situation establishes how others perceive you and treat you. For example, if you start a new job and work ten-hour days right off the bat, you will be hard pressed to work normal hours going forward. Show up valuing who you are, your time and your health.
· If you happen to be a pleaser, wanting everyone to like you--you are at risk for setting poor boundaries. New beginnings offer a chance to balance your innate generosity with being the dumping ground for unpleasant tasks and everyone else’s problems.
· If you don't consciously, actively design your identity, you will end up with a transition hangover. This is a nasty mix of unresolved grief associated with your past and anxiety about your unknown future. It shows up in mood swings, forgetfulness and a lack of clarity going forward.
Building your new identify can be done while taking a long walk, through journaling or in conversation with a good listener. Explore who you have been, noting what you love about yourself and want to keep. On the flip side, get real about aspects of yourself you'd like to change.
After a period of self-reflection, it's a good idea to get things down on paper. Draw two columns. On one side is your past, the other is your future. Honor your past with gratitude and dream big regarding what is next.
If you are creative, you might design a vision board or a word cloud to give you visual support for the new you. Post it in your closet or on the refrigerator door. It will support you in making the micro-adjustments that lead to substantial growth.
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