Coaching is an amazing process that works wonders because it is structured, intentional, and brilliant. A key component of the coaching methodology is the requirement that you come to coaching with a topic in mind.
You might struggle to identify the focus of your coaching session. It requires preparation and thought. You might toss several ideas around in your brain, trying to select a worthy topic.
This requirement flips the way you think about helping relationships. Traditionally, the teacher, counselor, or doctor tells you what the focus of the session or appointment will be. They are the expert, and you follow their lead.
Coaching puts you in the driver's seat. The resolution of the topic starts before the coaching session. You contemplate the challenges and opportunities in your life. Questions like:
This self-reflection is essential and magical. It presumes that you have the questions and answers within yourself. It also makes you accountable for the success or failure of the coaching relationship.
I encourage you to use the brilliance of coaching in other areas of your life. If you are going to a meeting or sharing time with a friend, take a moment to consider what you want to focus on and what you hope to achieve. Intentionality and preparation can enrich the quality of the interaction. Be the author of your outcomes.