Here’s the situation. Your doctor offers you a choice. You can lose weight or increase the dosage of your cholesterol medicine. You hate taking medicine. You walk out of the office numb and depressed. You told the doctor you would lose weight—but your past diet failures haunt you.
You get home and start thinking about what you need to do. The list is long:
Here’s my question for you: If you know what you need to do, why do you consistently fail to achieve your goal? The answer is within you. All the steps and targets won't help you without getting to your deeper motivations and concerns. You need coaching.
I offer this today because you are surrounded by experts who tell you what to do. They smugly suggest that, if you follow their simple, easy solution you will get amazing results. On a gut level, you know you are getting sucked into an empty promise. So, what can you do?
Start coaching yourself! Here are a few questions for reflection that will tap into your inner wisdom, strength, and discipline:
You are the engine for change in your life. Once you start supporting your internal wisdom, you will be unstoppable.