If you are in the process of changing careers or researching new opportunities, you are being brave. If you have lost your job or your business, you are finding out who you can truly count on. In order to have maximum strength and resilience, you will stand on the shoulders of people who support you. I like to call them your champions.
These people that have more faith in you than you have in yourself. They are essential to your success in your career and life in general. Think for a moment about your circle of personal and professional connections. Who consistently offers genuine, meaningful encouragement? Who sees your talents clearly? Who do you trust when you are feeling weak?
I hope a few names and faces are coming to mind. Sometimes your champions are your family and friends. Other times it’s people you see infrequently. It might also be a role model, historical figures or characters in a novel. Inspiration is available if you notice when it shows up.
Look for ways to thank and acknowledge your champions. Craft a message that mentions the specific ways they have helped you. Consider the best vehicle for your appreciation. Perhaps a greeting card, a gift or a phone call. As is so often said, it’s the thought that matters. Make your message of granitite special.
One of the best ways to make sure you have champions is your life is to be one yourself. Practice giving positive feedback to people who genuinely impress you. Don’t be stingy. You might feel a little shy if this is new to you. In fact, giving meaningful support to other people is an act of intimacy and empathy. It will help you grow as a person and will enhance every aspect of your life.