The unfolding of the coronavirus crisis has been a nasty Crossroad. Early last week, I was launching my book and setting up book signings. I was excited. Then, rapidly my world got rocked. Face-to-face work assignments evaporated. Physical freedom to work and play retracted. The unknown has become my reality as I wondered how bad this will get and how long it would last. I know I’m not alone.
The Coronavirus Crossroad is intense. It threatens personal and professional stability. It’s easy to get caught up in blaming. Easy targets include our government, the healthcare system, and toilet paper hoarders. This victim perspective, stokes your anger and anxiety, limiting your creativity and problem-solving ability. That’s the last thing you need right now.
I’d like to invite you to take an accountable perspective. This means no excuses or blaming. Massive amounts of self-responsibility will allow you to move out of the Crossroad and into Introspection. Your anxiety will soften and you have an opportunity to learn and grow though this experience. Additionally, your brain will work and your compassion for others will guide your choices.
Yesterday afternoon I shopped for groceries and toiletries, putting our household in a position where we could be self-sufficient for a couple of weeks. It was a practical move, not panic. I moved through the produce isle, noticing an almost empty box of mushrooms. I loaded them into my plastic bag but stopped short of taking them all. I left some for someone else.
This may seem like an insignificant choice, but it had a big impact on me. I’ve never been through a crisis like this one. I want to be able to look back and know I did my best. Over the next couple of months, I am going to be adding to my
YouTube channel
and writing. I’d love to know what you are planning on doing. Write me at
Your input will allow me to keep providing uplifting, practical support during this unprecedented crisis.